OLIVE Store is still open!!
For those yet to purchase their Olive device, the store is still open! There is also now an additional payment option available through the Olive website. Details are as follows:
At checkout, the option is simply called Payment Plan. Unlike Humm, This is an Interest Free Instalment Plan. Should you choose this option, you pay a deposit online using your credit/debit card, and you can pay the balance in instalments.
- Minimum deposit amount is €250, up to a maximum of €500
- The remaining balance can be paid in instalments, the minimum instalment amount is €50
- Frequency of payments is up to you, you can log in to your account and make a payment whenever you choose. You can also clear your balance whenever you wish
- Please note – you will not receive the device until it has been paid for in full. The balance must be cleared in order for you to receive your device
- This payment option will be available for 90 full days – up until December 6th
You must order your device online directly from Olive for Education. Go to www.oliveforeducation.ie and click on Order Your School Device Here. When it asks for the school roll number, enter 60122D and follow instructions from there.
PLEASE NOTE: The office will be open from 10am - 12pm Monday to Thursday only for the month of July
All information regarding start dates, calendars, books, uniform and Olive has now been sent to all parents/guardians. Please check your TYRO notifications and read all relevant information, it is important you keep yourself up to date!
Closing date for ordering your Olive device: June 30th
Return to school dates - click HERE
2024/25 School Calendar - click HERE
Welcome Booklet - click HERE
JC Book Scheme Info - click HERE
School Wearhouse - Uniform Store now open!!

As per our recent email, the OLIVE online store is now open. Closing date for ordering devices is JUNE 30. Regardless of your chosen payment option, all orders must be placed by June 30th to ensure delivery for the start of the school term. Devices are ordered directly from OLIVE, you cannot order your device from CB. Click HERE to get started!!
If you missed the email, click HERE for all information regarding the device you are required to purchase. Should you have any queries regarding the ordering process please contact Olive directly or email mkelly@colaistebride.com
Parent/Guardian Information Session
Many thanks for attending our recent Parent/Guardian Information Session. For those of you who could not attend, or if you just need to recap on what was discussed (we covered a lot!) please click HERE
Please find link below for our application form for admission to 1st year for the 2024/25 school year. (Please note, if your child is in a local school, they will receive an application in school to bring home). Things to note:
- Applications will be accepted from Friday September 29th up until Friday October 20th @ 1pm.
- Applications may be returned via post, by hand or email (to mkelly@colaistebride.com).
- If you submit your application via email, please request a read receipt as it will not be possible to respond to each applicant individually.
- Please only submit one application! For example, if you submit your application via email, please do not also post the original.
- Please return the application form only, we do not require any other paperwork at this time.
Please remember, the time frame for submitting applications is September 29th 2023 - October 20th 2023 (up until 1pm). Applications submitted after this date will be treated as late applicants.
Our Admissions Policy may be viewed in full HERE
Our 2024/25 Admissions Notice may be viewed HERE
2024/25 1st Year Application Form click HERE