Please find below information regarding the Appeals process for school placements:
Section 29 Appeals (over subscription)
Section 29 Appeals (reasons other than over subscription)
Please find link below for our application form for admission to 1st year for the 2025/26 school year. (Please note, if your child is in a local school, they will receive an application in school to bring home). Things to note:
- Applications will be accepted from Tuesday October 1st up until Monday October 23rd @ 1pm.
- Applications may be returned via post, by hand or email (to
- If you submit your application via email, please request a read receipt as it will not be possible to respond to each applicant individually.
- Please only submit one application! For example, if you submit your application via email, please do not also post the original.
- Please return the application form only, we do not require any other paperwork at this time.
Please remember, the time frame for submitting applications is October 1st - October 23rd (up until 1pm). Applications submitted after this date will be treated as late applicants.
Our 2025/26 Admissions Notice may be viewed HERE
2025/26 1st Year Application Form - click HERE
Information Letter - Click HERE
Please come along to our Open Day on Thursday September 26th to meet our staff and explore our school!