There are three Leaving Certificate programmes offered:
- Leaving Certificate (Established)
- Leaving Certificate Applied
- Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme
Leaving Certificate (Established)
In general, students taking this option study seven subjects.
Compulsory Subjects
- Irish
- English
- Mathematics
- Religion (non-exam)
- Physical Education
- Career Guidance
- Relationships
- Sexuality Education (RSE)
Students can then choose 4 from the following:
- Accounting
- Art, Craft & Design
- Biology
- Business
- Chemistry
- Computer Science
- Economics
- French
- Geography
- History
- Home Economics (Social & Scientific)
- Italian
- Music
- Physics Enterprise (Link Module)
- Religious Education (State Exam)
In general, students are free to choose any four subjects having had a basis at Junior Certificate or during Transition Year. In collaboration with Moyle Park College, we are now offering Polish and Agricultural Science at Leaving Certificate Level.In addition, students may sit Leaving Certificate examinations in other languages, e.g. Spanish, Russian, Japanese, Lithuanian, Portuguese, etc. However, we do not offer tuition in these subjects.
Leaving Certificate Applied (LCA)
The Leaving Certificate Applied is a two year programme aimed at preparing students for adult and working life. The programme sets out to recognise the talents of all students and to provide opportunities for developing personal responsibility, self-esteem and self-knowledge, and helps students apply what they learn to the real world.
The two year programme consists of four half year blocks called sessions. Achievement is credited in each session. Courses are offered in three main areas: Vocational Preparation, General Education and Vocational Education.
Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme (LCVP)
The Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme (LCVP) provides senior cycle students with the opportunity to undertake an innovative, dynamic subject which combines both academic and vocational elements. As part of the programme, students will have an opportunity to:
- prepare a CV
- conduct a career investigation
- undertake work experience
- engage in event planning
This subject is studied in addition to traditional leaving certificate subjects, giving students the opportunity to develop key life skills.